Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Some card designs and a rough spaceship scene

So here's some card design templates I designed that I was thinking of using as my new business card or something neat like that. :D Don't steal and claim as your own please, If you want the design just contact me! :)

And here's the beginning of a space shuttle scene. There is going to be death. P:

Got a job, got another job? Oh and some resources!

So in my previous post I mentioned that I lost employment with PopSci, but gained employment with a TCG company called Legacy. Then a week after working for these guys I get a call from a previous employer with some work.

Gah, life of the artist! Starving for 6 months busy for 2 months. I'm not really complaining now I've got something else constructive to work towards, yay lets kick woe in the butt!

And here's some fantabulous resources, a complete 3D reference library of the human body.

If you'd like to get the full version, I think you all know how to google. ;)

Here's a list of websites that have resources and tutorials on them, I've posted them in order I use the most often.

Paul Richards Thumbwar, save these make them your desktop slideshow!

I have about 5,000 other artist images that rotate on my desktop every minute. When I'm stuck I minimise and stare at my screen and have a break for 5 mins taking in everything relevant to what I'm doing from the art that's passing by my eyes. And when these thumbwar images come up it's like a little check list to see what I'm forgetting. 

A general tutorial covering everything from

Line Art, Studies, Terminology, Seeing, Shadows, Hues, Skin Tones, Colour Identity, Colour relativity.

Separated tutorials going more in depth (mostly about light)

Including light direction, natural light, artificial and indoor light. Also tutorials on perspective, one point, two point and three point.

Photoshop short cuts and more ways to observe your studies

These tutorials are by Henning Ludvigsen, an artist and art director for several game publishing companies, such as Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight Games and Edios. And even publishing tutorials in imagineFX magazine.

His tutorials cover topics such as, painting glass, distortion and refraction, painting glow effects, painting puddles, icicles, oily wet skin, materials, beards, volumetric light and even gold.

Super detailed break down of composition

23 glorious pages all about composition!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Lost a job, gained a job.

So an interesting couple of weeks, things usually move pretty slowly for me. But in this time I've lost my job at Popular Science, the whole Australian contract was lost, pretty sucky. But on the positive side I've also gained employment for a Trading Card Game called Legacy. I'm starting today! I'm super excited and I hope I can work up to the standards that they want. 

Keeping it positive and moving forward!

More progress soon!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Tidehunter Dota2 Fan art - just like a watermelon but fleshy part 2

Here's  an update on the grey values and I fixed up the bones a bit, thanks to Scroop for the advice! :D

And here's a rough layout of the colours, garishly bright at the moment! I might tone back the colour and work on highlighting the important areas, Still look needs to look more watermelonly too. 

More updates soon. :) I was thinking I might even try making a wallpaper? 

Tidehunter - just like a watermelon but fleshy...

So I over heard some of my friends on skype talk about how Tidehunter looks like a watermelon, so I'm starting a piece entitled the anatomy of Tidehunter featuring his fleshy watermelon innards and showing his skin in a similar way to the rind of the melon. Still working on the bones, then more muscle detail and meloness, then colour!